Anxiety may be a normal part of life. Panic disorders are an entirely different matter altogether – it is more serious. Individuals with anxiety disorders often experience intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. These may also...
Social Security Disability Benefits For Illness
How medical evidence helps secure SSD benefits
Social Security Disability benefits can provide aid to those who cannot work due to serious illnesses. They supply financial support for living expenses and medical costs when people cannot work. However, an individual must qualify for these benefits. Part of that...
Can I get SSD for a mental illness?
Applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be a complex process, especially when it comes to mental health illnesses. Many individuals may wonder if their condition qualifies them for support. Eligibility criteria To be eligible for SSD benefits based on...
How blood disorders may qualify for SSD
Many people live with some kind of blood illness. Also called hematological disorders, these diseases can disrupt the normal functioning of the circulatory system and have a wide range of causes and symptoms. While it is possible to manage hematological disease...
Does your condition merit a compassionate allowance?
Many people who apply for Social Security Disability Insurance in Pennsylvania find the application process to be long and arduous. The U.S. Social Security Administration often faces delays in processing SSDI claims. If you are having a hard time getting by in the...
Do skin disorders qualify for Social Security Disability benefits?
The general requirement to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits is that you have a medical condition that will be permanent or lead to your death. The Social Security Administration has files on every type of disorder or illness imaginable. Its disability...
Who may apply for an SSDI fast-track decision?
The Social Security Administration has two methods to screen disability applications for fast-track approvals. As noted on, the first method uses a computer model to identify conditions eligible for expedited processing. The Quick Disability Determinations...
What are the medical evidence requirements for disability benefits?
Qualifying for Social Security Disability benefits is not the easiest thing to do. The Social Security Administration has very strict rules and guidelines to be able to receive these benefits. Part of the requirements is proving you have a qualifying medical...
May respiratory illnesses qualify for disability benefits?
Debilitating respiratory illnesses that prevent you from working may qualify you to receive Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. The Social Security Administration’s website notes that qualifying respiratory illnesses may include emphysema, chronic...
Rheumatoid arthritis may qualify as a disabling illness
When a medical condition prevents individuals from working, they may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. As noted by Medical News Today, rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition that initially affects the peripheral joints. It could prevent...