The Social Security Administration (SSA) conducts periodic evaluations, called Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs), to ensure recipients of disability benefits still qualify. These reviews can feel overwhelming, but preparation can help you approach the process with...
Social Security Disability
What illnesses does the SSA approve for disability benefits?
Social Security Disability (SSD) helps people who can’t work because of serious health problems. Some illnesses are more likely to be approved for benefits because they meet the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) rules. Knowing which illnesses qualify can make the...
How do partial amputations affect eligibility for SSD benefits?
A partial amputation can affect a person’s ability to work and do daily activities. People with partial amputations may qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, depending on how severe their condition is and how it affects their ability to earn a...
Physical therapy and proving disability for SSDI claims
Applying for SSDI due to an injury can be a lengthy and difficult process. Many claimants attend physical therapy to manage recovery, but physical therapy is also essential for proving SSDI claims. Physical therapy as evidence of the severity of your injury When...
Social Security Administration’s evaluation of autoimmune claims
The Social Security Administration (SSA) assesses claims for autoimmune diseases based on specific criteria and requirements. Understanding this evaluation process is important when applying for Social Security Disability benefits. Meeting the listing requirements The...
Working while on SSDI benefits
If you're receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in Pennsylvania and considering work, you may question how employment affects your benefits. Some rules allow SSDI recipients to work under certain conditions while continuing to receive financial...
How scammers target veterans regarding SSD benefits
Scammers frequently target veterans and their families with schemes related to Social Security disability benefits. These fraudsters exploit the financial stability and sense of duty of military personnel to steal their money. By learning about common scams, veterans...
Social Security disability claimants facing record wait times
Wait times for Social Security disability claimants are on the rise. This is causing frustration among those seeking financial support due to disabilities. Several factors contribute to the lengthening of wait times. These factors impact the timeliness of disability...
4 SSD scams to watch for
Navigating the process of applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be challenging. Unfortunately, scammers often take advantage of individuals seeking support. It is important to be aware of potential scams that could jeopardize your financial well-being....
Does conviction affect social security disability benefits?
Social Security disability insurance benefits provide financial support to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability. This federal program offers assistance to people who have paid into the Social Security system and meet the eligibility criteria....