Applying for SSDI due to an injury can be a lengthy and difficult process. Many claimants attend physical therapy to manage recovery, but physical therapy is also essential for proving SSDI claims.
Physical therapy as evidence of the severity of your injury
When applying for Social Security Disability benefits for injuries, one of the main requirements is to prove that your injury has caused a lasting disability. The medical records associated with this type of care document the severity of your injury, the treatment plan, and the limitations that remain. Plus, regular reports from a physical therapist can highlight progress or lack of progress in overcoming the injury.
Demonstrating compliance with recommended treatments
SSDI claims often require proof that you have followed recommended medical treatments. By attending physical therapy sessions regularly, you show that you’re doing your best to recover. Compliance with healthcare recommendations can strengthen your claim significantly. This is especially true if physical therapy has not led to significant improvement, which points to the injury being disabling.
Tracking functional limitations
Physical therapy progress notes also track your functional limitations. These may include the inability to lift heavy objects, limited mobility, or chronic pain. These details can demonstrate how your injury prevents you from working. Your therapist’s assessments provide valuable information about the nature of your condition, which reinforces your SSDI claim.
Physical therapist’s role in supporting medical opinions
While doctors provide the primary medical opinions in SSDI claims, a physical therapist’s notes can complement these opinions. They offer day-to-day perspectives on your abilities and recovery. Their observations can support your doctor’s diagnosis. They also give the Social Security Administration (SSA) additional evidence.
Moving ahead with your SSDI claim
Recovering from an injury can be a long and challenging experience, requiring both patience and dedication. Physical therapy offers the opportunity to regain strength and improve functionality over time. Staying committed to your recovery can help you adapt to new limitations while working toward better health and quality of life while qualifying for benefits.