If you have an active job, you probably spend a great deal of your day standing, bending, twisting and walking. Sadly, any of these motions can put a strain on your anterior cruciate ligament, the ligament that connects your upper thigh bone to your lower one. If you tear your ACL, returning to normal may be more expensive than you think.
According to Sidecar Health, the average ACL surgery in Pennsylvania costs approximately $7,644, although your out-of-pocket cost may be different. This amount, though, only includes the cost of surgery. Before you are ready to return to your job duties, you are likely to spend substantially more.
Do you need hospitalization?
Nowadays, most ACL surgeries are outpatient procedures doctors perform in just a few hours. If you need to spend a night or two in the hospital, though, your cost of surgery is likely to pale in comparison to the cost of your hospital stay. In fact, according to Consumer Health Ratings, the average price for just a single night in the hospital for an insured patient is nearly $13,500.
Can you afford rehabilitation?
To increase your chances of making a full recovery, your ACL surgeon is apt to recommend physical rehabilitation. Your therapy sessions can cause as much as $400 each, though, and you are likely to need several of them. Because you are not working during your recovery, it may be difficult to pay for physical therapy on your own.
Ultimately, thanks to Pennsylvania’s robust workers’ compensation system, you may be eligible for meaningful benefits to help you cover rehabilitation and every other cost of your ACL injury, including your lost wages.