A variety of different workers’ compensation benefits are available to injured workers in Pennsylvania to help them with the challenges they face following a workplace accident. As a result, it is important for injured workers and their families to be familiar with the different types of workers’ compensation benefits that can help them.
Injured workers can receive workers’ compensation benefits to help them with their healthcare costs associated with their injury. Medical expenses injured workers may be able to receive help with include hospital and surgery costs; doctor’s visits; medication; medical equipment; and lab tests. In addition, death benefits may be available to families of injured workers when a worker dies from a workplace injury or occupational illness when the death occurs within 300 weeks following the injury. Death benefits may be available to help spouses and minor dependents following a fatal workplace accident.
Workers’ compensation benefits may also be available for the loss of wages while the injured worker is unable to work following a workplace accident. Injured workers may be able to receive wage compensation payments for partial disability, total disability and permanent injury payments depending on the circumstances and the nature of injury they suffered. Partial disability payments are limited to a maximum of 500 weeks, while there is no time limit for total disability payments. The duration of permanent injury payments varies.
There is a specified process for making a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, and filing a petition to contest a denial of benefits, that injured workers and their families need to be familiar with. There are also important timelines to be aware of that injured workers must follow when making a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation benefits can be a tremendous help to injured workers during their time of need which is why they need to be familiar with the help that they provide.